SURGERY Gall Bladder

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#1. The length of cystic duct is ?

#2. Common Bile Duct is about ------ long ?

#3. The common bile duct is divided into four parts by ?

#4. The function of gall bladder is ?

#5. The bile is concentrated in gall bladder about ------ times?

#6. Approximately how much mucous is secreted by gall bladder/day?

#7. As released from the liver the bile contains ........ percent of water ?

#8. The shape of gall bladder is ?

#9. Cystic artery is a branch of ______________

#10. ‘Caterpillar turn’ or ‘Moynihan’s hump’ is the tortuous course of ------------- artery on the front of the origin of the cystic duct


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