Weight-loss Operations MCQS-Quiz- TEST

Weight-loss Operations MCQS-Quiz- TEST

Weight reduction is a challenge for the emerging medical field. The weight loss surgeries are emerging as a new surgic

Here is the MCQs test on Weight-loss Operations. These are professionally built and help in preparation of all sorts of medical exam all over the world as NEET, USMLE, PLAB and various  BOARDS Exams.



#1. A 35-year-old patient with a BMI of 40 undergoes bariatric surgery. The surgeon opts for a procedure known for its perioperative safety, lack of nutritional complications, and ease of availability. Which bariatric procedure is likely performed based on these characteristics? ? Gastric banding is known for its perioperative safety, lack of nutritional complications, and ease of availability.

Gastric banding


#2. What is the most common mechanism of action for gastric banding in inducing weight loss? ? Gastric banding appears to work by reducing hunger, likely through vagal mediation.

Reduction in appetite (vagally mediated) 


#3. Which bariatric procedure is associated with the highest percentage of excess weight loss (EWL) at 3 years? ? BPD/DS is associated with 70–80% excess weight loss at 3 years.

Biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch (BPD/DS) 


#4. In sleeve gastrectomy, what is considered the “Achilles heel” leading to the risk of staple line leaks? ? Sleeve gastrectomy is associated with a risk of staple line leaks, particularly at the angle of His.

Leak at the angle of His 


#5. Which bariatric procedure is described as less challenging to perform than gastric bypass and evolved from the Magenstrasse and Mill operation? ? Sleeve gastrectomy is less challenging to perform than gastric bypass and evolved from the Magenstrasse and Mill operation.

Sleeve gastrectomy 


#6. Which bariatric procedure is characterized by having a silicone ring placed around the gastric pouch to reduce weight regain, despite no proven benefit by randomized controlled trials (RCT)? ? Banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass involves placing a silicone ring around the gastric pouch to reduce weight regain, but its benefit has not been demonstrated by RCTs.

Banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass


#7. What is the potential advantage of the single anastomosis duodenoileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S) compared to the duodenal switch (DS)? ? SADI-S has the potential advantage of a shorter operating time compared to DS.

Shorter operating time 


#8. A patient who underwent gastric banding presents with complications several months later. What is the most common reason for band removal in such cases? ? Late complications, often due to inadequate follow-up, lead to the removal of gastric bands in a significant number of cases.

Late intra-abdominal complications 


#9. In sleeve gastrectomy, when does a staple line leak at the angle of His typically present? ? A staple line leak at the angle of His in sleeve gastrectomy typically presents any time after discharge up to 30 days post-surgery.

Up to 30 days post-surgery 


#10. What is the recommended frequency of assessment for routine metabolic and nutritional monitoring in the first postoperative year after bariatric surgery? ? Routine metabolic and nutritional monitoring is recommended every 3–6 months in the first postoperative year after bariatric surgery.

3–6 monthly 


#11. What is the primary advantage of shared-care arrangements in the postoperative management of bariatric surgery patients? a) Weight loss monitoring b) Routine metabolic and nutritional monitoring ? Shared-care arrangements facilitate routine metabolic and nutritional monitoring in the postoperative management of bariatric surgery patients.

Routine metabolic and nutritional monitoring 


#12. What is the potential risk associated with severe mental health issues after gastric bypass? ? There is a slightly increased risk of suicide after gastric bypass in patients with severe mental health issues.

Increased risk of suicide


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