These MCQs on ACUTE APPENDICITIS are prepared to fulfil the requirement for all types of medical exams as NEET, USMLE, PLAB, Prometric and ALL TYPES OF MEDICAL BOARD Exams all over the world.
#1. Who is credited with recognizing acute appendicitis as a clinical entity? ? Reginald Fitz is credited with recognizing acute appendicitis as a clinical entity, and he presented a paper on the subject in 1886.
Reginald Fitz
#2. What clinical manifestations did Charles McBurney describe regarding acute appendicitis? ? Charles McBurney described the clinical manifestations of acute appendicitis, including the point of maximum tenderness in the right iliac fossa
Point of maximum tenderness in the right iliac fossa
#3. What is the individual lifetime risk of appendicectomy? ? The individual lifetime risk of appendicectomy is 8.6% among males and 6.7% among females.
#4. At what age does the incidence of appendicitis peak? ? The incidence of appendicitis reaches a peak in the teens and early 20s.
#5. What pathology seems to be essential for the development of appendiceal gangrene and perforation? ? Obstruction of the appendiceal lumen seems to be essential for the development of appendiceal gangrene and perforation.
Luminal obstruction
#6. What may initiate an inflammatory response in appendicitis, especially in children and young adults? ? In children and young adults, an infective agent, possibly viral, may initiate an inflammatory response in appendicitis.
Viral infection
#7. What is the potential threat of acute appendicitis? ? The potential threat of acute appendicitis is diffuse peritonitis.
Diffuse peritonitis
#8. What is a fibrotic stricture of the appendix indicative of? ? A fibrotic stricture of the appendix usually indicates previous appendicitis that resolved without surgical intervention.
Appendiceal inflammation resolution
#9. What is an occasional cause of acute appendicitis in middle-aged and elderly patients? ? Tumor obstruction, particularly carcinoma of the caecum, is an occasional cause of acute appendicitis in middle-aged and elderly patients.
Tumor obstruction of the appendiceal orifice
#10. What may proliferate in the appendix and occlude the lumen, especially in children? ? Pinworm, particularly Oxyuris vermicularis, can proliferate in the appendix and occlude the lumen.
Pinworm (Oxyuris vermicularis)
#11. What is the usual composition of the mixed growth associated with appendicitis? ? The mixed growth associated with appendicitis typically involves a mix of aerobic and anaerobic organisms.
A mix of aerobic and anaerobic organisms
#12. What narrows the lumen of the appendix, leading to luminal obstruction? ? Lymphoid hyperplasia narrows the lumen of the appendix, leading to luminal obstruction.
Lymphoid hyperplasia